Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong promises new protests


Rome ) - Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong says there will be new street protests against national security laws seen as a fresh crackdown by China on its autonomous province.

"The law will trigger new protests, because it is worse than the one from last year," Wong said in comments published on Saturday in the Italian daily La Repubblica.
He was referring to a bill that would have allowed suspects to be extradited to China, subjecting Hong Kong residents to the mainland's opaque legal system. It was scrapped after months of protests.
"Hong Kongers are fighting for the next generations, to protect freedoms that are disappearing," Wong told La Repubblica, urging the Italian government to take a stand against the new legislation.
The bill would give Chinese authorities the right to set up outposts of mainland agencies "if needed" in order to curb violent protests in Hong Kong and interference by "foreign forces."
Many in Hong Kong, where people enjoy a degree of freedom not seen on the Chinese mainland, fear the law will be used to quash political dissent.
The draft legislation has already been criticized by the United States, Canada, Australia and by Hong Kong's former colonial power Britain.

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