Jack Lang to head France's Arab World Institute


PARIS- France's former culture minister Jack Lang has been elected the new president of Paris's famed Arab World Institute (AWI), the cultural organisation announced Friday.
In his appointment, Lang will replace both the president of the board as well as the president of the institute's high council, who have for the past three years shared responsibilities to direct the body.

Image source: Jack_Lang_IEP_Toulouse_0109_2007-03-28_cropped.jpg. Accessed via Wikipedia.
Image source: Jack_Lang_IEP_Toulouse_0109_2007-03-28_cropped.jpg. Accessed via Wikipedia.
The high council was created in 2009 after the institute ran into financial problems and the European Parliament decided to split the duties of the board's president. The move meant the president would continue to run the institute, but without exercising executive functions.
The institute, dedicated to promoting and exchanging information and cultural values of the Arab world, was founded in 1980 by the French government and 18 Arab countries. It now has 22 Arab members.
"In line with the wishes of French authorities and Arab (members), the AWI governance -- held by two presidents since 2009 -- has been reformed, and the principle of one president has been re-established," it said.
Lang, 73, who served as a culture minister under former president Francois Mitterrand for 10 years, replaces Bruno Levallois on the board and Renaud Muselier on the high council.
In December, an extract of a report from an auditing and policy advisory body was released, acknowledging the institute had made a real effort to sort out its finances, but said persistent "dysfunctions" in governance, activities and staff had been noted for the period between 2007 and 2011.

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