Mexico tops list of deadliest countries for journalists in 2017


International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

MEXICO CITY (dpa)- More journalists were killed in Mexico than any other country this year, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said Sunday, with 13 deaths putting it at the top of the list.
However, 2017 overall marked the lowest number of killings in a decade, with 81 names appearing on the IFJ's "Killed List."

While the IFJ welcomed the lower figure, which was 12 less than in 2016, the group warned that there was "no room for complacency."
"We find it most disturbing that this decrease cannot be linked to any measure by governments to tackle the impunity for these crimes targeting journalists," said IFJ President Philippe Leruth.
"Instead, the patterns don’t change in the most violent countries such as Mexico," he added, pointing to the power and impunity that organized crime rings hold in the North American country.
After Mexico, the next deadliest countries in 2017 were Afghanistan and Iraq, both at 11, then Syria with 10 and six in India.

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