Russia confirms Trump, Putin to meet at G20 summit in Buenos Aires


Moscow - US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet at the upcoming G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Russia's top diplomat said Thursday.

"Moscow and Washington have publicly confirmed," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in comments carried by the Russian news agency Interfax.
Leaders of the Group of 20 major economies will gather in Buenos Aires for a two-day summit on November 30 and December 1.
The Kremlin said on Wednesday that Trump and Putin would not have more than a brief talk during a gathering of leaders in Paris this weekend.
France had expressed concerns that a fully-fledged summit between the two leaders could distract from events to honour the centenary of the end of World War I, Russian state media reported.
Russia does not see any prospects for improving relations with the United States, the Kremlin said this week following the US midterm elections, which brought the Democratic Party control of the House of Representativ

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