The New York Times endorses two Democrat candidates for 2020 election


Washington (dpa) - The New York Times has thrown its weight behind both Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar as potential Democratic candidates in the 2020 US presidential election.

"Both the radical and the realist models warrant serious consideration," the editorial board said in a statement explaining its choice to back two candidates.
Whoever is chosen from the field of Democratic candidates will run against the Republican incumbent Donald Trump in the November election.
"Any hope of restoring unity in the country will require modesty, a willingness to compromise and the support of the many demographics that make up the Democratic coalition," the board wrote.
Both female senators were praised as the "standard-bearers" for their respective wings of the party - Warren for the left and Klobuchar for the centre.
The board praised Warren's "serious approach to policymaking," but worried her path to the nomination will face trouble as the country needs a "more unifying path" than Warren has offered so far.
Meanwhile, Klobuchar was singled out as an effective moderate voice with the ability to unite the party, but the board cited reservations over reports that she mistreated staff members.
The 15-member board, which is separate from the paper's newsroom, spent more than 12 hours meeting with nine candidates to make their decision. In 2016, they endorsed Hillary Clinton.
The announcement comes ahead of the Iowa caucuses on February 3 - the first state to pick its candidate to defeat Trump.

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