Trump praises Jordan's King Abdullah for refugee efforts


Jordan's King Abdullah

NEW YORK (dpa)- US President Donald Trump praised Jordan's King Abdullah on Wednesday for his nation's role in taking in Syrian refugees.
"Who knows what would have happened without you," Trump told Abdullah in a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

In his first address to the General Assembly a day earlier, Trump had stressed his view that refugees are best aided in their own regions rather than being resettled elsewhere.
Trump has sought to temporarily halt the United States' acceptance of refugees and to scale back the number of asylum seekers the country takes in. The refugee ban was part of an executive order also banning residents of six primarily Muslim nations from receiving visas, and the policy faces review at the US Supreme Court next month.
There are some 738,000 refugees living in Jordan, with the vast majority hailing from Syria, according to UN figures.
The leaders were also discussing the fight against Islamic State and other terrorist groups, with Abdullah pledging to back the US effort.
"Terrorism is a scourge around the world, but Jordan will always stand beside you and your country," Abdullah told Trump.

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