Trump team to open impeachment defence with eyes on Biden


Washington - Donald Trump's defence team will start their arguments for acquittal on Saturday, as the US president faces accusations that he abused his power and obstructed Congress.

It is unclear if the president's defence will address the merits of the evidence presented by Democrats in the preceding days.
Trump's is accused of withholding military aid and a White House meeting to push Ukraine to pursue investigations that would boost his re-election prospects.
The Democrats say Trump abused his power for personal political benefit and then obstructed Congress to cover up his pressure campaign.
His defence team is expected to use some their time attacking former vice president Joe Biden, a leading candidate to unseat Trump in the 2020 presidential election.
Trump and the Republicans have pushed unsubstantiated accusations that Biden used his power as vice president to protect his son, who was on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company.
"The House managers decided to not just open the door, but kick the door down on the Burisma-Biden matter," Jay Sekulow, Trump's personal attorney said Friday.
Trump's defence team will spend three hours on Saturday presenting their case, starting at 10 am (1500 GMT). They will to continue their arguments on Monday and Tuesday.
The Democrats are "really trying to remove the president from the ballot in 2020," Sekulow said Friday.


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