US government shutdown in effect after spending measure fails to pass


Washington - A shutdown of the US government was underway Saturday after Congress failed to pass short-term spending legislation.

A last-ditch procedural vote late Friday in the Senate fell far short of passage, dooming a 30-day spending measure meant to keep federal employees paid and non-essential agencies functioning.
The vote in the 100-member Senate required a super-majority of 60 members to halt debate and allow a formal vote on the legislation, which opposition Democrats refused to support without concessions on immigration policy.
The White House blasted left-leaning Democrats as "obstructionist losers" and vowed to no negotiations on immigration issues until budget legislation allows the government to reopen.
President Donald Trump "will not negotiate the status of unlawful immigrants while Democrats hold our lawful citizens hostage over their reckless demands," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.

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