No humbug: Britain declares end to 'war on Christmas'

LONDON- A British minister declared the "war on Christmas" over Saturday, urging local authorities to stop avoiding the festival's Christian basis.
"We should actively celebrate the Christian basis of Christmas, and not allow politically correct Grinches to marginalise Christianity and the importance of the birth of Christ," Pickles said in a reference to the Christmas-hating character from a children's book.

No humbug: Britain declares end to 'war on Christmas'
"The war on Christmas is over, and the likes of Winterval, Winter Lights and Luminous deserve to be in the dustbin of history," he added.
Despite the economic hard times in Britain, local councils should not be cutting down on Christmas festivities as it was in their own financial interest to encourage shoppers, he added.
"Shoppers want to see Christmas lights, Christmas trees, carol services and nativity scenes, and councils should not hesitate in supporting them."

Sunday, November 28th 2010

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