"Ted," a comedy directed by "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane in which Mark Wahlberg's childhood toy comes to life, came in second place with $32.2 million in tickets sold.
"Brave," Pixar's 3D fairytale about a Scottish princess trying to rescue her mother from an evil witch, prevailed in third place with $19.6 million.
Oliver Stone's drama "Savages" -- based on a Don Winslow novel and featuring a fierce Salma Hayek as the head of a Mexican drug cartel -- debuted in fourth place with just over $16 million.
"Magic Mike," starring Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey as male strippers, dropped to fifth place with $15.6 million.
Tyler Perry's "Madea's Witness Protection" took the sixth slot with $10.2 million in sales, while animated hit sequel "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" dipped to seventh place at $7.5 million.
"Katy Perry: Part of Me" -- which gives a glimpse into the pop star's life both on and off stage -- started off in eighth place with $7.1 million.
Ninth went to "Moonrise Kingdom," the latest from director Wes Anderson starring Bill Murray, Bruce Willis and Edward Norton. The indie coming-of-age film took in $4.5 million.
Rounding out the top 10 was Woody Allen's comedy "To Rome With Love," which earned $3.1 million.
"Brave," Pixar's 3D fairytale about a Scottish princess trying to rescue her mother from an evil witch, prevailed in third place with $19.6 million.
Oliver Stone's drama "Savages" -- based on a Don Winslow novel and featuring a fierce Salma Hayek as the head of a Mexican drug cartel -- debuted in fourth place with just over $16 million.
"Magic Mike," starring Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey as male strippers, dropped to fifth place with $15.6 million.
Tyler Perry's "Madea's Witness Protection" took the sixth slot with $10.2 million in sales, while animated hit sequel "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" dipped to seventh place at $7.5 million.
"Katy Perry: Part of Me" -- which gives a glimpse into the pop star's life both on and off stage -- started off in eighth place with $7.1 million.
Ninth went to "Moonrise Kingdom," the latest from director Wes Anderson starring Bill Murray, Bruce Willis and Edward Norton. The indie coming-of-age film took in $4.5 million.
Rounding out the top 10 was Woody Allen's comedy "To Rome With Love," which earned $3.1 million.