Britain: Trump, May, Macron agree Syria strikes 'a success'

LONDON/WASHINGTON/TEL AVIV (dpa) - Prime Minister Theresa May and the French and US leaders have agreed that their missile strikes against Syria were successful, Britain has said.
May discussed the military action in separate phone calls with US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday, a Downing Street spokesperson said in a statement.

"The three leaders agreed that the military strikes taken against the Syrian regime's chemical weapons sites had been a success," the statement said.
It said May also "welcomed the public support which had been given by fellow world leaders for the strong stand the UK, France and the United States had taken in degrading Syria's chemical weapons capability and deterring their use."
The joint action was also aimed at "defending global rules, and sending a clear message that the use of chemical weapons can never become normalized," it said.
The UN Security Council has rejected a resolution proposed by Russia to condemn military strikes on Syria.
The council rejected the resolution by a vote of 8-3 with four abstentions.
The vote took place during an emergency meeting of the council in New York. Russia called the meeting to consider the resolution, which condemned the "aggression" against Syria by the United States, Britain and France.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he supports the US-led strikes against the Syrian government.
"A year ago, I declared Israel’s full support for President Trump’s decision to take a stand against the use and spread of chemical weapons. President Trump’s resolve and Israel’s support remain unchanged," the prime minister said in a statement.
"Early this morning, under American leadership, the United States, France and the United Kingdom demonstrated that their commitment is not limited to proclamations of principle," he said.
"It should be clear to President Assad that his reckless efforts to acquire and use weapons of mass destruction, his wanton disregard for international law and his provision of a forward base for Iran and its proxies endanger Syria," Netanyahu added.

Saturday, April 14th 2018

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