"These reprehensible measures constitute a deliberate undermining of all peace efforts and represent a declaration that the United States has withdrawn from playing the role it has played in the past decades in sponsoring the peace process," Abbas said in a televised speech.
Abbas said that the decision encourages Israel "to pursue the policy of occupation, settlement, apartheid and ethnic cleansing."
Abbas added that Trump's decision "will not change the reality of the city of Jerusalem, nor will it give any legitimacy to Israel in this regard, because it is an Arab Christian and Muslim city, the capital of the eternal state of Palestine.
Abbas said that the decision encourages Israel "to pursue the policy of occupation, settlement, apartheid and ethnic cleansing."
Abbas added that Trump's decision "will not change the reality of the city of Jerusalem, nor will it give any legitimacy to Israel in this regard, because it is an Arab Christian and Muslim city, the capital of the eternal state of Palestine.