Vashukevich, better known as Nastya Rybka, was arrested alongside another Belarusian and several Russians in a hotel raid last February in Pattaya, a popular seaside town 150 kilometres south-east of Bangkok, following a tip-off on illegal activities there.
Seminar participants told police they paid 640 dollars each for a sex course co-organized by Vashukevich, and that they were promised certificates guaranteeing their sexual skills upon completion.
In an apparent attempt to evade imprisonment in Thailand and deportation to Russia, Vashukevich said on Instagram soon after being arrested that she had proof of Russian efforts to help US President Donald Trump win the election.
She claimed she had had an affair with Russian oligarch Oleg Derispaska, a one-time associate of US President Donald Trump's former campaign director Paul Manafort.
But the material never surfaced during the period she and her associates were detained in Thailand.
Vashukevich's deportation to Belarus came two days after she and her co-defendants pleaded guilty to charges that included illegal solicitation. The judge at Pattaya Provincial Court handed them each a suspended sentence of one year and six months.
Pattaya is popular among Russian visitors. Many shops have put up Russian-language signs to accommodate over 100,000 Russian expatriates living in the resort city.
Seminar participants told police they paid 640 dollars each for a sex course co-organized by Vashukevich, and that they were promised certificates guaranteeing their sexual skills upon completion.
In an apparent attempt to evade imprisonment in Thailand and deportation to Russia, Vashukevich said on Instagram soon after being arrested that she had proof of Russian efforts to help US President Donald Trump win the election.
She claimed she had had an affair with Russian oligarch Oleg Derispaska, a one-time associate of US President Donald Trump's former campaign director Paul Manafort.
But the material never surfaced during the period she and her associates were detained in Thailand.
Vashukevich's deportation to Belarus came two days after she and her co-defendants pleaded guilty to charges that included illegal solicitation. The judge at Pattaya Provincial Court handed them each a suspended sentence of one year and six months.
Pattaya is popular among Russian visitors. Many shops have put up Russian-language signs to accommodate over 100,000 Russian expatriates living in the resort city.