Directed by Swedish filmmaker Nathan Grossman, "Greta" - the film's working title - will follow Thunberg's fight for a more sustainable Earth. Since her school-skipping demonstrations in August 2018, the 16-year-old has become a poster child for environmentalism, joining international protests and delivering passionate speeches at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York City and, more recently, the COP25 Climate Change conference in Madrid.
Filming for the documentary began in late May.
In addition to being crowned Time's person of the year, Thunberg has collected several other accolades, including a fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and a nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Her work has attracted support from the likes of Michelle Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Woody Harrelson and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Thunberg has also gained some extra notoriety courtesy of her most high-profile hater, the president of the United States. As her star grows brighter, Trump has repeatedly targeted Thunberg with personal attacks, including his viral tweet following her POTY announcement in which he controversially urged the teen - who is on the autism spectrum - to "work on her Anger Management problem" and "chill."
Thunberg responded by changing her Twitter bio to read: "A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend." She has also received criticism from Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who called her a "brat" after she expressed concern over the slayings of indigenous Brazilians in the Amazon.
Her public Twitter spat with Trump even made it into this past weekend's "Saturday Night Live" cold open. Fan favorite Kate McKinnon portrayed Thunberg and responded to the president's comments by saying, "I can't believe I'm saying this to a 70-year-old man, but grow up."
"Greta" is currently in post-production, according to IMDb.