Hopes for a two-state solution were being replaced by "rising fears of future annexation," Rosemary DiCarlo told the UN Security Council in a briefing, adding: "The possibility of establishing a viable and contiguous Palestinian State continues to be eroded by facts on the ground."
Shortly before his re-election last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to annex West Bank settlements, which are regarded as illegal under international law by most of the rest of the world.
The Israeli leader has been boosted in his uncompromising approach to the conflict by US President Donald Trump, who has cut funding to the Palestinians and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.
DiCarlo said Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory continued to expand and were a "violation of international law."
Conflict "cannot be managed in perpetuity,” she added, arguing that a failure to change political approaches would mean a further deterioration in the situation with "radicalization on all sides, more suffering and conflict."
She also noted that four of the seven Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the first quarter of the year were children.
While condemning violence on both sides she reminded Israel that lethal force could only be used "in response to an imminent threat of death or serious injury as a last resort."
Shortly before his re-election last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to annex West Bank settlements, which are regarded as illegal under international law by most of the rest of the world.
The Israeli leader has been boosted in his uncompromising approach to the conflict by US President Donald Trump, who has cut funding to the Palestinians and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.
DiCarlo said Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory continued to expand and were a "violation of international law."
Conflict "cannot be managed in perpetuity,” she added, arguing that a failure to change political approaches would mean a further deterioration in the situation with "radicalization on all sides, more suffering and conflict."
She also noted that four of the seven Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the first quarter of the year were children.
While condemning violence on both sides she reminded Israel that lethal force could only be used "in response to an imminent threat of death or serious injury as a last resort."