"The Russians got caught with their equipment, with the people who were doing it and they have got to pay the piper. They are going to have to be held to account," Mattis says in Brussels, following a meeting of NATO defence ministers.
He calls the attack "the latest in a worldwide pattern of reckless and irresponsible behaviour from Moscow," adding that Washington stands shoulder to shoulder with the Netherlands, Britain and other allies.
"How we respond to something like this is a political decision by the nations involved, and we will be standing by them. But it does not neccessariy equate to some kind of tit for tat on cyber," Mattis says.
He calls the attack "the latest in a worldwide pattern of reckless and irresponsible behaviour from Moscow," adding that Washington stands shoulder to shoulder with the Netherlands, Britain and other allies.
"How we respond to something like this is a political decision by the nations involved, and we will be standing by them. But it does not neccessariy equate to some kind of tit for tat on cyber," Mattis says.